
How To Say 40 In French

The French numbers one-100 are much more complex than united nations, deux trois (one, ii, three). While counting from i-twenty is very direct frontwards, the numbers sixty-100 become much more than complicated. Use our useful tips and acquire how to count to from one hundred and beyond.

French numbers guide

Numbers in French ane-100

Image of French cardinal numbers from 1-100 and all the way up to 2,000 with phonetic symbols from vintage textbook.

French numbers 1-20

To memorize 1-x, attempt counting in either even or odd numbers separately. Another effective tactic is to endeavour counting backwards from x to zero.

French numbers one-10

  • 0 – Zéro
  • 1 – Un
  • two – Deux
  • 3 – Trois
  • iv – Quatre
  • v – Cinq
  • 6 – Six
  • 7 – Sept
  • eight – Huit
  • nine – Neuf
  • ten – Dix

Tips for learning to count from 11-20

Many students become confused on the numbers quinze (fifteen) seize (sixteen). A fun mnemonic device when students of FrenchLearner use is: Yous Can Say 'Quinze Seize'.

In addition many of the numbers above 10 end in the -z audio, such as onze (eleven), douze (twelve) and treize (thirteen).

You can think that these are the "teenz". This will help you to distinguish these numbers from the higher numbers which we'll observe below.

  • eleven – onze
  • 12 – douze
  • 13 – treize
  • 14 – quatorze
  • 15 – quinze
  • 16 – seize
  • 17 – dix-sept
  • 18 – dix-huit
  • 19 – dix-neuf
Image of French numbers one to twenty (1-20).

French 1-20 vocal

Practice the French numbers 1-20 with this fun song by Alain Le Lait:

French numbers 20-59

The numbers 20-59 are not very complicated. To say twenty, say vingt (pronounced vɛ̃), the same pronunciation equally the word for wine, le vin!).

To say twenty-one, add "et un" or and one. And then, for 22-29 simply add un, deux, trois, etc. This pattern works for the numbers all the upwards through 59.

Many students experience difficulties distinguishing the teens from these college numbers. A mnemonic device to call back these higher numbers is to say, "I have a lot of aunts".

This is considering the word aunt (New England or UK pronunciation) rhymes with these numbers, trente, quarante and cinquante.

Numbers 20-29

  • twenty – Vingt
  • 21 – Vingt et un
  • 22 – Vingt-deux
  • 23 – Vingt-trois
  • 24 – Vingt-quatre
  • 25 – Vingt-cinq
  • 26 – Vingt-six
  • 27 – Vingt-sept
  • 28 – Vingt-huit
  • 29 – Vingt-neuf

Numbers 30-39

  • xxx – Trente
  • 31 – Trente et un
  • 32 – Trente-deux
  • 33 – Trente-trois
  • 34 – Trente-quatre
  • 35 – Trente-cinq
  • 36 – Trente-half dozen
  • 37 – Trente-sept
  • 38 – Trente-huit
  • 39 – Trente-neuf

Numbers 40-49

  • 40 – Quarante
  • 41 – Quarante et un
  • 42 – Quarante-deux
  • 43 – Quarante-trois
  • 44 – Quarante-quatre
  • 45 – Quarante-cinq
  • 46 – Quarante-six
  • 47 – Quarante-sept
  • 48 – Quarante-huit
  • 49 – Quarante-neuf

Numbers 50-59

  • 50 – Cinquante
  • 51 – Cinqante et united nations
  • 52 – Cinquante-deux
  • 53 – Cinquante-trois
  • 54 – Cinquante-quatre
  • 55 – Cinquante-cinq
  • 56 – Cinquante-six
  • 57 – Cinquante-sept
  • 58 – Cinquante-huit
  • 59 – Cinquante-neuf

French numbers 60-79

The numbers lx-70 are often a big challenge for beginner students.

To count from sixty-69, simply say soixante then follow the aforementioned pattern the numbers in the previous section covering 20-69. When you come up to seventy, y'all must say soixante-dix, which translates to 'sixty ten'.

Numbers lx-69

  • 60 – Soixante
  • 61 – Soixante et un
  • 62 – Soixante-deux
  • 63 – Soixante-trois
  • 64 – Soixante-quatre
  • 65 – Soixante-cinq
  • 66 – Soixante-six
  • 67 – Soixante-sept
  • 68 – Soixante-huit
  • 69 – Soixante-neuf

Then, for 71-79, you must add together soixante (sixty) to the respective teen (11-19) number. Hence, lxx-1 is soixante-et-onze (sixty and xi). Seventy-two is soixante-douze (sixty twelve).

One useful tip to say the numbers 60-79 easier is to first get the give-and-take 'soixante' out without considering the entire number.

If the number is threescore-69 that'due south like shooting fish in a barrel: But add united nations, deux, trois, etc. One you lot've said 'soixante' you tin then worry well-nigh adding the corresponding teen if you've in 70-79 territory.

Numbers lxx-79

  • lxx – Soixante-dix
  • 71 – Soixante et onze
  • 72 – Soixante douze
  • 73 – Soixante treize
  • 74 – Soixante-quatorze
  • 75 – Soixante-quinze
  • 76 – Soixante-seize
  • 77 – Soixante-dix-sept
  • 78 – Soixante-dix-huit
  • 79 – Soixante-dix-neuf

French numbers 80-99

Image showing how to form the number 80 in French (quatre-vingts): 4 x 20 = 80.

The French numbers lxxx-99 get much more complicated. This is because to say eighty, y'all must say 'quatre-vingts', which ways 'four twenties'.

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For the number 80-one, the 'et' disappears. Hence, 81 is quatre-vingt-united nations, which literally means 'four twenty one'. For 82-89, say 'quatre-vingt' (4 ten xx), then add together un, deux, trois, etc. through neuf. Viii-5, fo example is 'quatre-vingt-cinq' (4 x 20 + 5).

Numbers 80-89

  • 80 – Quatre-vingts
  • 81 – Quatre-vingt-united nations
  • 82 – Quatre-vingt-deux
  • 83 – Quatre-vingt trois
  • 84 – Quatre-vingt-quatre
  • 85 – Quatre-vingt-cinq
  • 86 – Quatre-vingt-vi
  • 87 – Quatre-vingt-sept
  • 88 – Quatre-vingt-huit
  • 89 – Quatre-vingt-neuf

To say ninety, say 'quatre-vingt-dix', which equates to 'four twenty 10'. Then, for 91-99, add the corresponding teen number. For example ninety-5 is 'quatre-vingt-quinze' (4 x twenty + 15).

The same tip for the previous section on lx-79 applies for 80-99. For whatever of these numbers 80-99 first get out the word 'quatre-vingt'. Then, worry most what you have to add.

If you are in 80-89 territory simply add united nations, deux, trois, etc. So if yous are 90 or college you must add the respective teen number.

Image showing how to form the number 90 in French: 4 x 20 + 10 = 90 (quatre-vingts-dix).

Numbers xc-99

  • ninety – Quatre-vingt-dix
  • 91 – Quatre-vingt-onze
  • 92 – Quatre-vingt-douze
  • 93 – Quatre-vingt-treize
  • 94 – Quatre-vingt-quatorze
  • 95 – Quatre-vingt-quinze
  • 96 – Quatre-vingt-seize
  • 97 – Quatre-vingt-dix-sept
  • 98 – Quatre-vingt-dix-huit
  • 99 – Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf

Counting in Switzerland and Belgium: Septante and Nonante

The counting arrangement for 60-99 is much less complicated in Switzerland and Kingdom of belgium.

This is because these two countries accept specific words for lxx, eighty and ninety: septante (70) and huitante (80) and nonante (90).

Hence, in these countries 75, 85 and 95 would be septant-cinq, huitante-cinq and nonante-cinq.

This makes the French numbers 1-100 in these countries much easier!

This counting system eliminates the need to calculate math and cuts down significantly on the number of words required to limited the corresponding numbers.

Large numbers 100 and across

To say both one hundred and one grand, say 'cent' and 'mille', respectively. Do not add the give-and-take 'un' to either of these numbers.

Hence, 'i hundred one' and 'g 1' are 'cent un' and 'mille united nations', respectively. For larger hundreds, add an -s: ii-hundred is 'deux cents'.

For larger thousands, never an an -due south to mille. Hence, two thousand is 'deux mille'. One million is 'un million' and one billion is 'un milliard'. Add an -south to both of these to brand college numbers. Hence, two million is 'deux millions'.

This folio provides a table for practicing large numbers with MP3 audio.

  • 100 cent
  • 101 cent un
  • 150 cent cinquante
  • 524 cinq cents vingt-quatre
  • 1,000 mille
  • 1,001 mille united nations
  • 1,250 mille deux cents cinquante
  • ten,000 dix mille
  • i,000,000 un million
  • 1,000,000 un milliard (billion)

Here'south how to say a few years in French:

  • 1975: mille neuf cent soixante-quinze (you lot can besides day dix-neuf cent)
  • 2007: deux mille sept
Image with words "Vive La France" (Long live France) against backdrop of lavender field.

More than uses and resources for French numbers

French decimals and percentages

In France, the decimal points are written with commas. The discussion for comma is 'une virgule'. Hence the decimil 1.5 is written 1,5 and read every bit 'un vigrule cinq'.

The word percentage is written in two words in French: pour cent. Hence fifty% would be 'cinquante pour cent'.

French ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers are counting numbers: starting time second, 3rd, etc. To form an ordinal number in French, only add -ième to the number.

Hence, 2nd and tertiary are 'deuxième' and troisième. The only big exception to this guideline 'premier' and 'primière for first. Our ordinal number page has a complete table with example sentences.

French fractions

To form a fraction, simply put a cardinal number (united nations, deux, trois, etc.) over an ordinal number. Hence, the fraction ane/5 would be 'un cinquième'.

All fractions are masculine. Our fractions folio offers a complete table with case sentences.

Math in French

Learning the French numbers is essential for talking about math. The give-and-take for plus in French is 'plus' (say the -s).

The words for minus, multiplied by and divided by are: moins, multiplié par and divisé par, respectively.

Our math page offers a complete table covering examples of uncomplicated math problems using French numbers.

Download PDF of this lesson

Image of le Louvre in Paris

Become an expert in French numbers!
Gaining mastery in French numbers can be a big challenge. We propose taking a wait at'south sound course, "Mastering French Numbers". With Camille'southward drills you lot'll be able to rattle off even the trickiest of numbers in no time!

Another must-accept resources is the book, Practice Makes Perfect , Complete French All-in-1, which has a great chapter covering numbers with useful exercises.

Related lessons

  • French Numbers Song
  • approximate numbers
  • How to tell time
  • French for beginners – How to get started
  • How to say how-do-you-do in French

More Online Resource:

  • French Numbers Exercise – FrancaisFacile
  • French Numbers Quiz – French-Games
  • FrenchPod101 – Numbers

  • Author
  • Contempo Posts


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